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Time is just illusory - it never was there.

 Much has been said about time over the centuries, but over the last few years of investigation I have made a disturbing discovery. The passage of time and the passing of time are purely within the "Minds" of biological systems; children perceive time slower than human adults. Time is a great tool to use and serves us well. The rotation of the Earth is a motion and if we break that up into 24 parts and call each one an 'hour", then good for us and our function. If an egg is thrown to the ground and breaks, it cannot go back into my hand due to conservation of momentum and energy laws, not to mention the direction of the "push" placed on the egg by my hand. Time has nothing to do with the fact fact that the egg cannot go back into my hand because time does not go backwards: time never existed ! Time didn't start with the "Big Bang", is not part of the "Space-Time" continuum, does not bend with space, we cannot time travel or travel so...
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 Covid-19 as at August 2020 has spread globally awaiting a vaccine by December 2020. However whilst mutating to many virulent forms, Covid can also after many months mutate to a much milder form. A much milder form of Covid-19 may in fact become dominant over the existing and much more dangerous strains.  It would take another lengthy period of months before the dominant milder strain of the virus spreads  This could mean by June 2021 the virus will become like a normal flu, explaining how the 1918 pandemic slowly died out without a vaccine.

Climate Activism -

People historically have had their values changed by wealth or money deprivation. Last century by example we seen this for many years leading up to The Great Depression. Vast masses of people changed their values as a result, they believed that certain leaders would lead them; Fanco, Mussolini and Hitler were selected. Recently and growing has been an environmental based value change in people, resulting in climate activism. This could be a growing force over the next 3-5 years and in itself is fascism. How big will this new force grow and how may it influence.

A new Golden Era -

With 5G, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, robotics, Quantum computers by 2015, India & China lifting their populations to middle class, and exponential growth in renewable technologies all combining for a “perfect storm”. This storm by 2030 should lead to the beginning of a new Golden Era. Australia will grow solar fuels to year 2050, and self power will grow dramatically. The perceived deprivation globally, which is responsible for Trumpism & Brexitism, should be smashed by a new Golden Era. However antibiotic resistant diseases and climate change remain, as two serious threats moving forward.

A.I. & Fake News

Artificial intelligence can determine all human possible reactions to a particular event. It only takes the event details to be entered and what could be written with all possible attachments, would be written and placed in categories like “positive”, “negative” and “neutral”. Viewers would then be able to read what each category would say, so each perspective could be interpreted. If one thinks about it this is done already if one assesses options on media stories. After all there would be a range limit on opinions anyway, so why not let AI automate the process. Viewers would be able to read all perspectives and more categories could be added.

History repeating - 1920s

In The Great Depression hundreds of millions of people suffered real deprivation. Their minds and behaviours were catastrophically affected by this serious situation. In desperation the masses sought leadership forward and they got Franco, Mussulini and Hitler. Their values were slowly morphed along the way, and Fascism took hold in a most dangerous way along with Nationalism. Hitler destroyed the unions and the socialists, and took particular aim at The Jews and forward communism. National socialism was a ploy and not Democratic Socialism. In the world today, many commentators have used immigration to describe the growth in nationalism throughout the world. When Trump was elected as The Republican candidate it was said, “Damage done”. Recently Anthony Albanese in Australia, indicated that poorer voters were not happy with what “they have” in their minds, which is their perception. The people affected amount to hundreds of millions of people in the free world, that can relate t...

Fuel Cell Vehicle Alliance of Australia

The fuel cell powered forklift market is expanding, and has proven itself economically over many years. Walmart and numerous other distribution warehouse now seek fuel cell electric forklifts. A proven smaller fuel cell electric power plant as in forklifts as above, can easily be downsized further to facilitate electric powered scooters, motor cycle scooters, electric bicycles, and electric wheelchairs , and all other small transporters; in fact this should become the norm before year 2025. Fuel cell powered heavy freight is another being seriously planned for in the world along with existing fuel cell powered buses. Heavy freight vehicles from Nikola are planned for commercial release in year 2023, that can do 1,200 kls, and near term output from Nikola is within several years. Nikola also plan 700 hydrogen stations by year 2028 along transport routes. Fuel cell vehicles by Toyota, Hyundai, Honda and others are commercial, and will soon enter Australia. If these vehicles can re...