Much has been said about time over the centuries, but over the last few years of investigation I have made a disturbing discovery. The passage of time and the passing of time are purely within the "Minds" of biological systems; children perceive time slower than human adults. Time is a great tool to use and serves us well.
The rotation of the Earth is a motion and if we break that up into 24 parts and call each one an 'hour", then good for us and our function. If an egg is thrown to the ground and breaks, it cannot go back into my hand due to conservation of momentum and energy laws, not to mention the direction of the "push" placed on the egg by my hand. Time has nothing to do with the fact fact that the egg cannot go back into my hand because time does not go backwards: time never existed !
Time didn't start with the "Big Bang", is not part of the "Space-Time" continuum, does not bend with space, we cannot time travel or travel something that does not exist. Quantum entanglement involves no-time communication between particles, as no-time communication is perfectly normal but a great humans.
Einstein, Newton and Hawking were wilfully ignorant or just ignorant, and that their high intellect in their analaytical minds, could not allow or see "Thomas Edison". They never defined time, their ignorance along with others is not impressive.
Whilst General Relativity by example highlights great steps in mathematical physics, the phenomenon is space and or other based. With objects close to the speed of light "living longer", they travel further as a result, or a distance travelled relative to prior sequenced displacement. An object passing me I see get smaller and dissapear, as such an object covers more distance relative to me and my prior displacement.
Try out this new perspective of NO-TIME.
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