Human behaviour in consumerism leads us to market analysis, yet sometimes market analysis tends to suggest new technologies will force consumers in their choices.
Empowerment of people regarding their choices, has been demonstrated in many areas outside of transport and energy, which suggests strong patterns that must be dealt with or overcome.
Real transitions are incremental and take many years to happen, and with energy and transport the same applies.
In transport consumers demand a car that is affordable and reliable, to get them their freedom as regarding work and play. Brands like Toyota, Mazda, Hyundai , BMW, Ford, GM, and alike deliver this. The consumer is use to reliability and affordability.
New hybrid technologies involving petrol/electric cars, have been on the market for some years, and they are slightly more expensive yet deliver higher efficiency as in kls/ltr of petrol/gas. The hybrid transport vehicle cannot be overlooked, as this market can grow as fuel costs rise, as it is much closer to what consumers are historically use to.
Consumers and the fast food market in the USA, prove that 130 million people eat fast food on any one given day;why do those people do that? - time.This behaviour on fast food is a strong behaviour present all over the world, and represents the modern era for many reasons that are time based.
Time loss is an end economic disadvantage, and this is a powerful force across the whole world in all categories.
New Battery Electric Vehicles(BEVs), take time to charge and batteries will need replacing after around ten(10) years. The market has expanded well with strong financial incentives which will end in year 2019. There have been strong predictions but, in reality the above obstacles remain to the average car consumer. Radiation from superchargers or super inductive chargers has not been even mentioned. BEVs are an excellent technology charged with renewable power , and battery recycling figured. Mass market predictions are too premature as above, regarding fast food behaviour would suggest consumers of BEVs would then refuel or charge their cars slowly; this contradicts extremely powerful and proven consumer behaviour regarding fast food.
A future transport mix of growing hybrid(petrol/electric) cars, BEV cars, turbo-diesel cars, hydrogen fuel cell cars. BEV car market is set to level as mostly opportunists are in the market, and I would say hybrid (petro/electric) cars will be a significant growing market between years 2020-2030.Fuel cell powered cars will grow much slower but, will take a bigger share than predicted by year 2030.
Energy generation is another empowerment for consumers, as solar PV becomes cheaper than carbon based commercial elelctricity by year 2025. A further prediction that embedded solar rooftops in the private and commercial sectors, will reach 90% by year 2030. Energy storage gets cheaper and the "writing is on the wall".
Micro-grids with utilities can integrate with consumers that are poor or underprivileged, and aid decentralisation of people in Australia, as it is time not be "sardines" around the coast by year 2040.
From now to the end of the energy transition around year 2030, real positive systems need to be put in place with government policy, as it will accelerate us towards our future reality.
The empowerment of consumers in these areas, actually give guarantees of ultimate outcomes, even if the government does nothing.
The Australian federal government by example has done nothing on energy policy, yet "strides" have happened, due to the states and territories in Australia taking the lead, with a technologically led approach towards future sustainability.. The cost of new technologies has as well dropped dramatically empowering the consumer.A complementary "push" of a carbon trading system would be expected in year 2019.
A change of government perhaps may be needed in Australia, as it may complement our future needs and accelerate us towards our future.
In the "death we have the security of positive empowered consumer behaviour, buying with business, much cheaper low emission cars coming and embedded energy generation already here.
Large central renewable generators have the ability to make long term contracts with business, to offset risk. Central carbon based electricity generators, will be on the verge of extinction by year 2030.
Empowerment of people regarding their choices, has been demonstrated in many areas outside of transport and energy, which suggests strong patterns that must be dealt with or overcome.
Real transitions are incremental and take many years to happen, and with energy and transport the same applies.
In transport consumers demand a car that is affordable and reliable, to get them their freedom as regarding work and play. Brands like Toyota, Mazda, Hyundai , BMW, Ford, GM, and alike deliver this. The consumer is use to reliability and affordability.
New hybrid technologies involving petrol/electric cars, have been on the market for some years, and they are slightly more expensive yet deliver higher efficiency as in kls/ltr of petrol/gas. The hybrid transport vehicle cannot be overlooked, as this market can grow as fuel costs rise, as it is much closer to what consumers are historically use to.
Consumers and the fast food market in the USA, prove that 130 million people eat fast food on any one given day;why do those people do that? - time.This behaviour on fast food is a strong behaviour present all over the world, and represents the modern era for many reasons that are time based.
Time loss is an end economic disadvantage, and this is a powerful force across the whole world in all categories.
New Battery Electric Vehicles(BEVs), take time to charge and batteries will need replacing after around ten(10) years. The market has expanded well with strong financial incentives which will end in year 2019. There have been strong predictions but, in reality the above obstacles remain to the average car consumer. Radiation from superchargers or super inductive chargers has not been even mentioned. BEVs are an excellent technology charged with renewable power , and battery recycling figured. Mass market predictions are too premature as above, regarding fast food behaviour would suggest consumers of BEVs would then refuel or charge their cars slowly; this contradicts extremely powerful and proven consumer behaviour regarding fast food.
A future transport mix of growing hybrid(petrol/electric) cars, BEV cars, turbo-diesel cars, hydrogen fuel cell cars. BEV car market is set to level as mostly opportunists are in the market, and I would say hybrid (petro/electric) cars will be a significant growing market between years 2020-2030.Fuel cell powered cars will grow much slower but, will take a bigger share than predicted by year 2030.
Energy generation is another empowerment for consumers, as solar PV becomes cheaper than carbon based commercial elelctricity by year 2025. A further prediction that embedded solar rooftops in the private and commercial sectors, will reach 90% by year 2030. Energy storage gets cheaper and the "writing is on the wall".
Micro-grids with utilities can integrate with consumers that are poor or underprivileged, and aid decentralisation of people in Australia, as it is time not be "sardines" around the coast by year 2040.
From now to the end of the energy transition around year 2030, real positive systems need to be put in place with government policy, as it will accelerate us towards our future reality.
The empowerment of consumers in these areas, actually give guarantees of ultimate outcomes, even if the government does nothing.
The Australian federal government by example has done nothing on energy policy, yet "strides" have happened, due to the states and territories in Australia taking the lead, with a technologically led approach towards future sustainability.. The cost of new technologies has as well dropped dramatically empowering the consumer.A complementary "push" of a carbon trading system would be expected in year 2019.
A change of government perhaps may be needed in Australia, as it may complement our future needs and accelerate us towards our future.
In the "death we have the security of positive empowered consumer behaviour, buying with business, much cheaper low emission cars coming and embedded energy generation already here.
Large central renewable generators have the ability to make long term contracts with business, to offset risk. Central carbon based electricity generators, will be on the verge of extinction by year 2030.
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