The Quantum computer should enter a serious phase by year 2025. Simply put commercial and much more powerful units will be available by that time, and that is a bit of time considering the speed at which they are developing. If I have a normal computer that has 10,000 transitors for example only, to double the power I add another 10,000 transitors. In a Quantum computer if I had 10,000 qbits, and I added another 10,000 qbits, the power would go up by 2^10,000; that’s gigantic !. The “Good, the Bad and the Ugly”: Two thirds of our universe we will begin to see, and that will immediately impact on science like chemistry, where calculations so small will be able to be done for the first time. Medicine and bio-chemistry, material science, solid state physics are others. Artificial intelligence can machine learn one task well, in fact very well. A robot machine may do the washing but not the dishes. Multi-tasking not yet by some distance but, with Quantum computers an unknow...
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